Good news for everybody: Thanks to the advanced vaccination effort in Uruguay, COVID infections have dropped considerably allowing the Harvard P7 index to place Uruguay back on the amber list of countries.
Sunday’s figures were the lowest since the rebound in infections by the end of 2020. Uruguay was depicted in yellow Sunday in Harvard’s of contagion risk, which is tantamount to “moderate” after seven months listed among the more dangerous countries.The Harvard index (P7) was conceived by the Harvard Global Health Institute to measure the incidence of the coronavirus in a country or in a territory, based on the average new cases in the last seven days per every 100,000 inhabitants.
Uruguay reported Sunday an average of 9.64 cases after 217 days with figures way above that mark, which had kept the country swaying back and forth between orange and red levels. With the 150 new cases Sunday, Uruguay went back to yellow.“Day 493 of the Covid-19 epidemic, Uruguay is vaccinated and returns to yellow after 217 days. No concession to the virus, we must help to go towards Green,” wrote Uruguayan Medicine Professor Julio Medina on his Twitter account.
The last time Uruguay had registered figures along the lines of Sunday’s results was November 30, 2020, with 149 infections.
Lacalle insisted his government is still cautious and will monitor the situation carefully. At the same time, they are focusing on slowly reactivating tourism and that, new variants permitting, some borders might open in the spring for vaccinated travelers.
Source: Ministerio Salud, HarvardGHI